The Rally – Have a look at the video!
We are very happy to introduce you to our new video about The Rally team building activity. Take a sneak peek!
It is one of the most elaborate team building program we have designed: it combines 3 workshops. Each of them focuses on special goals and special team skills to improve.
Each team has 18 minutes to build the tallest freestanding structure capable of holding a marshmallow on top. To do so, they have to use 20 pieces of spaghetti (uncooked, of course!), a yard (=0,91cm) of masking tape and a yard of string, a marshmallow and a pair of small scissors. Nothing more, nothing less!
Goal of this workshop: create a teamwork experience that can be debriefed along various angles such as roles in a team,the importance of a well-functioning team or what it takes to innovate.
To learn more about the origins of the Marshmallow Challenge, watch Tom Wujec’s TED Talk.
It is a fun recreational activity that promote cooperation and teamwork between participants. They will have to work together to solve clues and get to the final destination.
Goal of this workshop: create tighter, cooperative relationships between team members who usually work independently or on separate teams, discover hidden part of Ho Chi Minh City and complete fun challenges & riddles.
Using a limited amount of supplies (PVC pipes, balloons, bamboo stakes, rope, packing tape, marbles, special decorations etc.), all the participants must build a large free-standing “pipeline” that will deliver 10 rolling marbles from a starting line 25 feet (around 7.5m) away, into a bucket sitting upright on the ground. Each team is responsible of one part of the pipeline and all the different part should all connect and fit together.
synergistic team development event where participants collaborate to build a large marble delivery system
Goal of this workshop: work on collaboration, communication and synergy within each team and between all the teams, practice problem-solving skills, practice goal setting attainment.